Legal information
Avi-Charente, ZAC de Belle aire
9 rue Galilée, 17441 Aytré Cedex, France
Tel.: +33 (0)5 46 30 65 20
SAS (limited liability company by shares) with a capital of 1,607,600 euros
La Rochelle trade register no. 305 689 432
EU VAT no. FR 44 305 689 432
Publication director:
Florence Gilg
Le site est hébergé par OSMP, SAS au capital de 21000 € – 887 846 855 R.C.S Paris – Code APE 6311Z – N° TVA : FR20887846855
Personal data:
The Avi-Charente company complies with the French data protection law (“Informatique et libertés”) when processing your data, as well as with the general regulation on data protection. The information collected from this form is processed digitally and shared with the human resources department. Personal data collected on this site will not be stored for more than twelve months. The recipient of the data is the human resources department. In compliance with the French data protection law (“Informatique et libertés”) dated 6 January 1978 and the European Parliament’s general regulation on data protection (2016/679, Council of 27 April 2016), you have the right to access, rectify, or delete any data about you. You can access your data by contacting the head of human resources. If you have a legitimate reason, you can also opt out of having your data processed. To find out more about your rights, visit the CNIL website.